The Dangers of a Single Story

Because some stories have to be told.. Read and support Fungai’s cause.

Fungai Makawa

The other day I was involved in a conversation concerning my efforts on crowdfunding my Master’s degree. At the time I had mentioned that I hadn’t gotten the traction I would like and the friend I was talking to pointed out (and everyone agreed) that I had a snowball’s chance of raising the amount I needed because I didn’t fit the narrative. My story isn’t the atypical African story that you see plastered over the internet, in the news and every charity or organization doing work in Africa. I don’t have the look of some child suffering from malnutrition and starving like the images you get of Ethiopia and Eritrea, I’m not a former child soldier and Kony isn’t my local overlord, my parents didn’t die of AIDS or political turmoil, I’m not an orphan and my parents are both alive and well. Admittedly I do come from a country…

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